The highly innovative HOSMPSV™ Fleet of multi-purpose support vessels provides marine solutions to meet the evolving needs of the deep water and ultra-deep water energy industry with a range of service capabilities from petroleum and chemical tankers to subsea intervention and operations support.

310 Class MPSV
The HOS Bayou is the first HOSMPSV to deliver under the new construction program. Equipped with a 150 t AHC knuckle boom crane capable of working in water depths of 3,000 meters, the HOS Bayou features 2 x 150 HP Work Class ROV systems, an S-92 helideck, berthing for 70 people, and many other features including integral liquid mud and methanol tanks that can hold 21,000 and 1,900 barrels, respectively.

310EQH Class MPSV
U.S. and Brazilian flagged supply vessels with enhanced features including helidecks and increased auxiliary power to support deck equipment, additional berthing and other vessel amenities.

310ES Class MPSV
Introducing the all new HOSMPSV 310ES. These Jones Act compliant, DP-2 MPSVs offer increased crane capacity, moon pool, available back deck power selection of 480V/208V/110V, below deck cargo carrying capabilities, including methanol, and nearly 960 m2 of clear weldable deck area rated at 10 MT/m2. The 250 MT crane offers active heave compensation and 3,700 meters of wire on both the main and auxiliary lines. Additional features include dedicated ROV Control Room and ROV Workshop, client offices, gym facility, locker room and cinema.

400ES Class MPSV
The HOSMPSV 400ES class of vessels each offer two offshore cranes (400 MT and 100 MT) and nearly 1,300 m2 of clear deck rated at 10 MT/m2. These Jones Act compliant, DP-2 MPSVs provide stainless steel chemical tanks, deadweight in excess of 6,300 MT, berthing for 102 people, moon pool, enhanced power generation and available back deck power selection of 480V/208V/110V. Their offshore cranes each offer active heave compensation and 4,000 meters of wire on both the main and auxiliary lines. Additional amenities include client offices and workstations, dedicated ROV Control Room and ROV Workshop, gym facility, locker room and cinema.

430 Class MPSV
The DP-3 HOSMPSV 430 class is well-suited to support topside, inspection, maintenance, repair, diving and construction activities with a 400 metric ton heave compensated mast crane, large working moon pool and two hangar-housed ROVs, the 430 provides a large, stable DP-3 platform with the ability to accommodate a range of offshore activities.

The HOSFLEX 370 class has the largest, most versatile DP-2 offshore supply vessels available in the world today. These “one-of-a-kind” Jones Act compliant vessels have an unprecedented regulatory pedigree and are certified to serve as supply vessels, offshore construction vessels, petroleum tankers and chemical tankers.

The HOSMPSV Flotel offers a first-class solution for offshore housing with berthing for up to 194 people and an active motion-compensated gangway for offshore personnel transfers providing a true “walk-to-work” experience. Other amenities and features include theaters, indoor smoking lounges, exercise room, client offices, conference rooms, and offshore crane.