310 Class MPSV
The HOS Bayou is the first HOSMPSV to deliver under the new construction program. Equipped with a 150 t AHC knuckle boom crane capable of working in water depths of 3,000 meters, the HOS Bayou features 2 x 150 HP Work Class ROV systems, an S-92 helideck, berthing for 70 people, and many other features including integral liquid mud and methanol tanks that can hold 21,000 and 1,900 barrels, respectively.

A Jones Act compliant, DP-2 vessel equipped with a 150 t AHC knuckle boom crane, 2 x 150 HP Work Class ROV systems, oil spill recovery classification, and many other features including 8 integral liquid mud tanks with 21,000 barrels capacity and 2 methanol tanks that can hold 1,900 barrels.
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